Elizabeth Burgess Harvey Mendenhall when she lived in Indianapolis
Original photograph in the Quaker Archive ~
Earlham College
Richmond, Indiana
Elizabeth Burgess Harvey Mendenhall
September 22nd, 1801~May 1st, 1888
The founder of the first Black School in Ohio
Harveysburg, Ohio
This Friend, wife of the late Dr. (Jesse) Harvey and daughter of Bettie Hendricks and Thomas Burgess, is now living in this city (Indianapolis), in the 85th year of her age. The years of her early married life were devoted to teaching the neglected races, Indians as well as Negroes. She, with other Friends, did much to modify the felling of prejudice against the colored people in the village of Harveysburg. ~~ Jane F. (Wales) Nicholson
“Memories of Long Ago” by Jane F. (Wales) Nicholson (Originally published in the Western Star, Lebanon, Ohio in the December issues of 1885 and published again in the Miami~Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio ca. 1905), p. 20.